Unrequited love

The brightest sun was like an ash,
The laugh was like a torture growl,
Nightingale sounds like a clash,
Or like a crazy demon’s howl.
There wasn’t any happy thing,
All thoughts were just about himself.
That he is just an anything,
Not worth to be with magic elf.
She was an angel, maybe god,
She looked like princess, maybe queen.
She could with glance make water thawed,
Her gorgeous eyes were full of sheen.
That is a fact, he loved her madly,
He couldn’t count the cognac quaffed.
And what is more than ever sadly,
In one bad day he just went daft.
This man was continuing suffer from love,
He saw nothing, only clouds above.
The love unrequited hit him in the heart,
And draw on it thousands-thousands cuts.
The weather went bad and the sky became grey.
The madman continued to go his own way:
Like hundreds of arrows strike heart in the war,
His soul became broken, as never before.
