The Doomsday Clock

The modern world is haunted place,
Where every man is faceless body,
Where every sage man is a noddy.
We drown deeper in disgrace,
Consumption, lust, debauch, and hates.

A random man is full of spite,
His mind is full of useless trifles,
How to survive, to beat his rivals,
To get the best for him despite
All rules of fair equal fight.

No sense for playing hide and seek,
Your ‘haute couture’ is shameful kitsch.
Where will be so called ‘right of speech’,
When voices of the Hyde end sick,
And when you put your final tick?

Today is dark, tomorrow’s darker.
The Doomsday Clock has struck the noon –
It’s time to hide for a tycoon,
It’s time to die for simple trucker,
No chance for dropping a sheet anchor.

O, tell me, is it nightmare dream?
Are we so close to final story?
Should we go mad, or should we worry
About crimes of the regime,
When Sun will send its latest beam?

What do we have, it’s all for none.
We are all doomed, if trends continue,
If your beloved will demean you,
If you will end your life alone,
You will not need, nor gold, nor throne.

It’s not so hard to save us all:
Each should select the better option –
With love, with smiles, with devotion,
That’s how we’ll change this evil world,
That’s how we’ll stop the global fall!
