Tragedy of love
New day has come, she said “Alas!” –
She’s from the brokenhearted tribe.
No sunshine’s heat or fresh green grass
Can gift her soul the happy vibe.
The house above the forest lake,
She lies inside on giant bed.
She doesn’t want to be awake,
She wanted love, got pain instead.
What did she get from last romance?
So many thoughts: from joy to greed.
She couldn’t give her life to chance,
She couldn’t rat her timeless creed.
The nearby village laughs and cheers,
The folk enjoy the weekend mood.
She suffers ’cause of souvenirs –
A lot of bad, but more of good.
Those sunny rays like flames of hell,
The life becomes the black routine.
She only murmurs magic spell
To bring him back and kill this spleen.
The spring has passed, the summer’s gone,
The autumn colours all in gold.
She doesn’t care more of sun,
Because there comes a time of cold.
The only thing she has is gloom
And shabby picture on the wall.
Her fate is sealed – the fatal doom
Enswathed her heart and took her soul.
The house above the forest lake,
She lies inside on giant bed.
Her pulse is still, no pain, no ache,
Pill bottle’s empty, she is dead…