“Play, accordion, boredom-sorrow!…”
(«Сыпь, гармоника! Скука… Скука…», Есенин С.А. (РУС>>ENG)

Play, accordion, boredom-sorrow!
Harmonist’s playing good and free.
Drink with me, good-for-nothing trollop!
Drink with me!

They had loved you and they had splotch,
I couldn’t stick it.
Why you’re looking your sky-blue watch?
Want to be kicked?

You are jackstraw from veggie garden
For crows to scare.
You’re unbearably tantalizing,
I really swear.

You’re not my first throughout women,
A lot I’d got.
But the first time I had achievement
Of such a slut.

Play, accordion, play those rhythms,
Drink, bitch, have fun!
I would take better girl with big tits, –
The stupid one.

Pain and sonour in strife –
And here and there.
I won’t end my life.
Just go to hell.

You are dogpack who’s lying
It’s time to refuse.
Oh, my darling, I’m crying.
Excuse… Excuse…
